Welcome to our Blue Building - Guardians Online Shop
The founders, supporters and members of the Blue Building Environmental Organisation has made it their goal to use their commitment to help our environment and people who, by obtaining financial means, are given the chance of a better life. There is an incredible amount of poverty. People all over the world not only suffer from hunger and insufficient access to clean drinking water, poor medical care and war; more and more people around the world are becoming victims of the consequences of climate disasters. There is so much that can be done - where to start? Helping people to help themselves has always been one of the guiding principles of the Blue Building Environmental Organisation. We stand for supporting local people, for education, for creating jobs. It is of enormous importance to give people the vision to be able to do something good for their country and to generate a healthy income for their families themselves, which benefits the local community. The Blue Building Environmental Organisation believes that with the Blue Building Concept, not only can the environment be sustainably protected through the selection of environmentally friendly materials, but also a clean environment can be created worldwide through the use of Ecorefine. Contaminated soils, oil-polluted beaches and lakes are (sadly) always and everywhere in the world. This has moved and inspired the founder, supporters and members of the Blue Building Environmental Organisation to raise funds to build the next generation of the Ecorefine. Find out more about the Ecorefine here. The photos of the late The-Environmentalist, the Blue Building Environmental Organisation and our members are used to make products as diverse as coffee mugs, clothing, bags, phone and computer accessories, and much more. Through our campaign and the sale of our products, the Blue Building Environmental Organisation aims to effectively support environmental protection, poverty alleviation and the protection of children around the world. But this can only succeed with the support of many people worldwide.
By buying our products, you support the work of the Blue Building Environmental Organisation
and support the start-up for our environmental products financially.
Please note that our products are being produced on demand. This ensures that no products are being wasted due to unnecessary bulk production. As soon as the order is placed, the item is produced and sent directly from the manufacturer to you by post.
Our prices include VAT and Shipping Costs.
Custom charges may apply. depending on your location.
We thank you for your support.
The Blue Building Environmental Organisation Team
For more information on Terms and Conditions, returning items and our Return Policy, please click here.
Say Hello to the Summer
and blossom with our new Collection 'Uganda Flame'